Lucy Mara Budd
Art has been part of my life from the time I was little. Around the time I turned 15 I begin working professionally with my art. Now, more than 15 years later, I’ve illustrated two dozen adult and children’s books and sold art at fairs and the Venice Beach boardwalk.
Now, after starting a family, I’m setting out on a new leg of my professional art journey with the customizable art available here for you. Plus, I’m working on some other exciting ideas, like turning my art into who-knows-what and drawing quick, offbeat (and hopefully entertaining) comics.
From Ramblings to Art
My drawings start with the random thoughts that roam around in my head. Why a tiny elephant on a woman’s head? Who knows? I guess it was rattling around up there and needed to come out! I try to find the funny in everything. Art should be accessible, right? Relatable.
Anyway, using whatever tool works best (watercolors, the computer, etc.), I painstakingly color select drawings. My artist’s intuition enriches them with vivid style, whether they’re like etchings from an old school book or more like a traditional painting.
My hope is for you to find art here that makes a positive impact on your life. Does it brighten a corner or your home or office? Let me know!
Random Thoughts
Inspiration—Many of my favorite artists draw humorous black and white comics. I dig their commentaries on life. And nature and the human form are super interesting in how they evolve.
Color—It’s time consuming, taking many hours of work, but so fun to see the results!
Art Software—Love it/hate it. Actually, I’ve made friends with computer coloring. It can be quite painterly!
Fitness—I’m (still) kind of obsessed with yoga and running.
Meditation—It solves my problems and informs my art.